Positive Life, Positive Attitude

Childhood nightmares... I had plenty. There were many occasions I would be startled from my sleep by a bad dream or awaken in the middle of the night to a room full of darkness complete with “monsters” under my bed and in my closet. I would cry out and my parents would come to my rescue. They would sit on my bed and lovingly stroke my forehead and say, “Everything is going to be ok!” This was such a comfort to me and my fears would disappear.

I should point out my parents couldn’t make all my future bad dreams stop and all the monsters disappear. They couldn’t make all my troubles cease, but at that moment their comforting words and the warmth of their presence would make me believe that “everything would be ok!”

Each time we encourage each other we make it easier to stand courageously empowered.

The reality of HIV can’t be stopped. Those of us living with HIV understand that dark days come, fears often mount and the monsters line up to beat us down. I can’t stop them, though I wish I could, nor can anyone else.

What I can do is encourage those living with this disease with my presence and by adding my strength to theirs. In so doing we empower each other to stand strong. Alone we are afraid and powerless against the enemy [the virus and those who hate], together we empower each other to stand strong.

Each time my parents assured me with their comforting words and their presence they were preparing me for the future. Now when I have a nightmare, I don’t cry out, and I don’t fear the monster under the bed or in closet. Each time we encourage each other we make it easier to stand courageously empowered! Each day that we stand strong makes the next day easier and then each day that follows.

HATE has 4 letters, But so does LOVE

ENEMIES has 7 letters, But so does FRIENDS

LYING has 5 letters, But so does TRUTH

HURT has 4 letters, But so does HEALWho are you encouraging? To whom are you offering your strength? We need each other. One should never stop encouraging but always remain sensitive to those fearfully crying out in the night.

Come what may, I believe that everything will be ok! I have such wonderful people sharing my life with me, because they are here, I believe! God blessed me with the greatest family, wonderful friends and those in the cause with me! Come stand with me, lets believe together! There are more of us who wish to believe than before, we want you to join us!

Transform every Negative energy into a Positive energy! Its your perception that makes the difference in the way you feel!

-Danny, 14 years


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